Made With Intent

Our first project. Not currently running

I dreamed up this idea whilst studying Textiles during lockdown.

With most places closed and no resources available from the college, students had to use what they had around the house to fulfil project briefs.

For this project we had to get old clothes and rework them.

I decided to use an old broken tent I had in my cupboard.

This is when I came up with the cute intentional name Made With Intent.

I made a series of samples, designs for clothing and woven pieces from long strips I cut to create yarn.

The project was very important to me as I had attended or volunteered at many festivals over the years and was always utterly disgusted at the amount of people who would abandon their tent and rubbish leaving a sea of despair behind them.

Once the project was complete I was far from done with this idea


We launched our first Made With Intent workshop in early 2022 with Doune The Rabbit Hole and Solfest music festivals agreeing to let us make décor to feature on stages and a bar at the festivals.

We did an absolutely amazing job making the décor for Doune and Solfest.

We made massive otherworldly flying structures like butterflies and dragonfly’s which adorned one of the largest stages at the festival.

Made with Intent has made a range of dog jackets and now we are finally getting to dip our toe in at making clothes with the fabric from the abandoned tents.

A small batch of bomber jackets are underway, raincoat design is being created and a matching skirt for the bomber is being made now.

We will be doing décor for MugStock Festival 2024.

We’ll be looking for lots of helpers to get involved with the project to help us make it happen.

Sorting lots of abandoned tents after collecting them from a festival 

Gathering abandend tents

Finished Stage Decor at Doune The Rabbit Hole 2022

Tent Fabric Canopy at Solfest 2022