Cumbernauld Alternative Network (CAN)

A Community Interest Company established to help make interesting things happen in our community

Current Projects

Join us at The MugShack every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

Complete Our Survey

Give us a few minutes of time and contribute towards the development of a new space, a new network, and a big pile of new activities and events, right bang in heart of Cumbernauld.

A Picture of the Cumbernauld Centre, focussing on the 5th floor penthouses with distinctive porthole inspired windows

What CAN Stands For:


  • We are based in CUMBERNAULD and expect the majority of our service users to live in the town, however our activities will be open to anyone who is able to travel to us, and we may also be proactive in bringing people to us. We will also conduct outreach activities which will take us beyond Cumbernauld’s borders, particularly into the rural communities of North Lanarkshire and East Dunbartonshire
  • By ALTERNATIVE we mean different to what currently or has historically existed. Through community led development we aim to identify and fill gaps in provision, with a focus on providing meaningful services for those least engaged with what is already available.
  • As a NETWORK we will act collectively. Our activities will focus on working together to create positive changes for individuals, families and the community, and on forging new connections between people, organisations and services.

The MugShack

Cumbernauld Alternative Network are extremely grateful to MugStock, the charity behind MugStock: A Festival of Music & Merriment, for letting us establish our base of operations in their new venue The MugShack. Formerly Cumbernauld’s original town hall, The MugShack is at 4 Allander Walk on the 3rd floor of the Cumbernauld Centre, near the library. It has a large main hall with stage and a decent sized upper hall, and these will soon be filled with projects and activities run by MugStock, Cumbernauld Alternative Network, TRASH Music Projects (recently re-established junk percussion charity) and other community groups, as well as being available for private functions, meetings and hourly lets.

Watch this video, and then literally watch this space…Â